
What is Telekinesis, How Is It Done?

What is telekinesis, how is it done?

Telekinesis , the ability to move objects with one’s mind and without any physical contact. The word telekinesis is composed of the words “tele” meaning “far” and “kinesis” meaning “movement”. Sometimes telekinesis is also called “the power of mind over objects”. Another term used in place of telekinesis is psychokinesis. This term is also derived from the Greek words “psyche” meaning “soul” and “kinesis” meaning movement.

People who believe in psychic powers or claim to be able to use them have talked about the kinds of these powers. Precognition (the power to predict what will happen in the future), pyrokinesis (ability to ignite objects and light a fire with the power of the mind), telepathy (to know and see things far away) are some of the psychic powers. Although there are people who believe in the existence of these powers, psychic powers have not been scientifically proven.

We’ve compiled some of them below:

Before you start telekinesis,

Before you get started, they say that concentration and belief are the keys to telekinesis. They claim that The better you concentrate, the faster your telekinetic abilities will develop.
They say relaxation is essential to telekinesis. They recommend Meditation as a means of relaxation. They advise
to be one with the object to be moved, to feel it, to see it as a part of itself. Like an extra arm or leg…
They say that telekinetic abilities cannot be developed in one day. They recommend that you need to practice for 10-15 minutes a day.
They advise to be patient. Telekinesis is a work of patience and the development time in telekinesis varies from person to person.

They find it appropriate to follow the steps below during telekinesis,

First step: Focus on the object to be moved for 10 minutes until you feel it as a part of yourself.
Step two: Visualize the object as it moves or bends.
Step three: The final step is when you can move the object.

Quantum Connection: Some people believe that our brain waves can move energy within subatomic particles and objects. This allows us to move them without physical contact.

Magnetic Field: Others believe that if people can control the magnetic field around them, they can move objects without physical contact.

Sound or Heat Waves: Some psychics claim that they can produce sound or heat waves and that they can move objects without physical contact with the energy created in this way.

History of Telekinesis

Although the idea that objects can be moved with mental powers has aroused curiosity in people for centuries, the idea that telekinesis is a scientifically proven ability was invented in the 19th century. has emerged. This development took place in the years when Spiritualism was famous. Psychic mediums claimed that they communicated with the dead in sessions and that objects suddenly mysteriously moved and flew in dark rooms without any contact.

Although many people believed all these claims, including the author of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it was all a hoax. Deceitful psychics have used all sorts of tricks, from hidden wires to black-clad instruments in dark rooms, trying to convince people that objects can move without contact. Illusionist Harry Houdini has researched many fake psychics and brought their threads to the market, and even wrote a book on this subject called “Miracle Mongers and Thier Methods”.

As the public became more conscious about false telekinesis, the phenomenon began to disappear. The re-emergence of telekinesis coincides with the 1930s and 1940s. J. B. Rhine, a Duke University researcher, ponders the idea that people can influence spontaneous events with the help of their thoughts. In his work on rolling the dice, Rhine asks players to try to influence the results of the dice with their thoughts. Although his findings were mixed and insufficient, they were enough to convince him that there were mystical influences.

Thirty years later, in the 1970s, a man named UniGeller became the world’s most recognizable medium. During his world tours, he demonstrated his psychokinetic abilities such as returning broken clocks and twisting spoons, and earned millions of dollars from this work. Although he claims that he is not a clown, many skeptical researchers have stated that Geller’s incredible abilities could have been performed by an illusionist, or even had been done. In 1976, at the University of Bath in England, a group of children who claimed they could bend spoons with their thoughts were subjected to controlled experiments. Initially, the work progressed promisingly, and scientists were beginning to think they might finally be able to provide a scientific explanation for telekinesis. However, later, scientists detected with hidden cameras that children physically tilted spoons with their hands when they thought no one was seeing them.

The idea that the mind has power over objects has started to disappear gradually.

At these parties, a group of people who believed that telekinesis was possible would gather, shouting and jumping to bend spoons, getting emotionally and physically excited. While some claimed that some spoons were slightly bent as a result of these sessions, those who were skeptical of these sessions suggested that the spoons may have been physically bent accidentally as a result of all the jumping.

Does Telekinesis Have Biological Basis?

Many people believe, based on psychological evidence, that the human brain has abilities beyond our imaginations. According to them, we only use about 10 percent of our brain in the final analysis. People with such an opinion see psychic powers, including telekinesis, as the feat of mediums who can use more than 10 percent of their brain, and they question what would happen if we could use the remaining 90 percent.

Although these claims are promising, they are nothing more than a myth. It is a fact that we use our entire brain. Studies by researchers using techniques such as PET scans (positron emission tomography) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) have revealed that we don’t use much of the brain is a lie.

… Despite this detailed mapping, unused areas of the brain awaiting new tasks were not found. On the contrary, even very simple tasks can often be accomplished with contributions from areas that span almost the entire brain.”

The history of telekinesis is the history of cheats and deceptions, both proven and predicted. Even many psychokinesis practitioners admit that the available data are far from providing evidence of scientific standards. But they have to face an even bigger problem: The human mind has no known mechanism to move or bend objects. Even if our brain waves do have some effect on objects, the laws of physics prove that our brain waves cannot travel more than a few millimeters beyond our skull.

People who claim the existence of telekinesis are mostly in the past. If there were people who could actually move things with their minds, they might be able to move the dice to their desired positions while gambling in Las Vegas, or become golf stars by controlling the balls while playing golf, instead of wasting time waiting to be tested in the lab.

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